måndag 11 augusti 2008

Sommar vädret har inte varit något att hurra för idag, halv mulet och regningt. Men har suttit på Biblioteket hela dagen och pluggat, lite förberedelser inför hösten. Bra sysselsättning i regnvädret. Är hemma i Finland och hälsar på släkt och vänner. Det blir inte alltför ofta, så det skall bli kul att träffa mitt kusin barn Oscar, ett riktigt scharmtroll.
Från det ena till det tredje så hittade jag en nyhets artikel ikväll på American Jewish commitees hemsida i som troligtvis inte uppmärksammas när allas ögon riktas mot OS Beijing, och krig i Georgien. Den fick i allafall mina ögonbryn att lyftas, så jag tänkte låta andra läsa den också:

" AJC Calls on Lithuanian Leaders to Condemn Attack on Jewish Community Center
August 10, 2008 – New York – The American Jewish Committee called on Lithuanian leaders to condemn an anti-Semitic attack on the Jewish Community Center of Vilnius.
Jewish leaders awoke this morning to discover that the central community building was smeared with swastikas and other anti-Semitic epithets. Someone had spray-painted “Juden Raus” on the building, reminiscent of the calls of neo-Nazi marchers who demonstrated on the streets of Vilnius earlier this year.
In recent months there has been increased public attention to a series of unresolved Jewish issues, including construction on the site of the Snipiskes Cemetery and long-pending legislation to restitute former Jewish communal property. An investigation of the General Prosecutor into the wartime activities of former Jewish partisans also has fanned populist and ultra-national sentiments. Jewish community leaders themselves have described a heightened level of anxiety and concern for their own well-being.
Police were quick to respond to the anti-Semitic attack, but so far political leaders have been silent. The Vilnius Jewish Community Center is situated on a main thoroughfare of the city only a short distance from Parliament and other government buildings.
AJC has a longstanding involvement with Lithuania, and recently hosted in New York a meeting in New York of several American Jewish organizations with Lithuanian Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas."


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